
    My name is Carol and I am a practitioner with many years experience as a health professional.

My roots are in physiotherapy however my own brush with cancer and prolonged ill health changed my outlook and my approach has grown to encompass whole of health through a variety of methods. 

I have almost 40 years experience as a Chartered Physiotherapist and  18 years experience in ACMOS Bioenergy Balancing. 

I teach the ACMOS Method internationally as lead trainer on the International Teaching Team. Over the past year I have developed an online programme to support and mentor health professionals who want to learn and embed the ACMOS Method in their practice.


Working internationally with clients and students from around the world

to provide a range of holistic services including:

The ACMOS Method of Bio-energetics*​ - Certificated Training to Advanced Practitioner Level 

Energy Medicine techniques including deep relaxation & guided visualisation


If there is any way that I can help you during this time please let me know. 

Call me on 07742 101222


Carol Robertson MCSP

I have a particular interest in helping people recover from fatigue, chronic health problems including pain,

dis-ease and rehabilitation from injury through a trauma informed practise; 

including physical health, energy balancing, resilience and general well-being.

For training see www.energymedicinetraining.com


Carol is recognised as an expert in the ACMOS Method of Bio-energetics, an energy balancing system   

based on the principles of Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine, which she practises & teaches internationally.

*Acmos is not a physiotherapy or medical treatment



+44 7742 101222

or for more information please have a browse through the site.


I look forward to meeting those of you who feel drawn to my practice.


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